Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ellsworth Family Reunion

On Friday, July 18th we began our first Ellsworth family reunion. I was in charge of it this year and we decided to have it at our cabin in Oakley, Ut. Friday was a day for individual family activities.

On Wednesday before the reunion Joan, Alysa, and Katie brought the kids up to our house and the kids got to ride horses. Above is Taylor on Parker and Kallie is riding Shaquille.
On Friday evening Mom, Dad, and Joy (and of course Bailey and Brinkley their golden retrievers) came up to the cabin for a wonderful visit and dinner before the gang came up on Sunday. It was great to see them and to have them to ourselves for a short time.
Mom and Kelsey relaxing on the deck at the cabin.

Brandon making his presence known at the cabin.
Mom and Dad relaxing on the deck at the cabin.

Kelsey and Brandon.
Rob overseeing Brandon's weed-eating. He is making sure no trees are damaged.
Saturday afternoon and here comes the family!

Everyone gathering on the deck.
Mom and Joy planned a game for everyone, with memories of our family.
Krista and Ben 4 wheeling.

Kelsey and Zane off for a ride. Brittany, Krista and baby Hunter.

Ralph, Jan, Dad and Joan out for a walk. "We're off to see the wizard"Mom, Rob, Katie and Dad playing cards.
Our Dad. What a fun day this was. Great memories!!!!
Joan and Taylor on Shaquille. Meleah is looking at the birds. Is it a bird, is it a plane, it.....

Do you want a bite?After the reunion Ralph and Pam and their family and Joan and her family stayed for a few days longer. We had lunch at McDonalds in Lehi.

1 comment:

kme1981 said...

Jan I LOVE this!!!! You got some adorable pictures at the reunion. You and your family did such a wonderful job! Can't wait for next year!